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Connecting you with home services in Kenya

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Who we are

Kalinoi is an online platform that is revolutionizing Kenya's home service industry. By focusing on simplicity and inclusivity, Kalinoi offers a seamless, hassle-free solution for connecting you with self-employed service providers near you. Our innovative approach eliminates the need for smartphones while maintaining the benefits of an online service marketplace by leveraging SMS communication. Service providers can communicate via SMS, which is transmitted as an email to seekers, enabling real-time bookings and efficient connections. This ensures job opportunities reach a broader demographic, particularly those without access to expensive technology. Our system not only enhances accessibility but also empowers a diverse workforce, fostering social inclusion and economic opportunities.

Kalinoi is on a mission to simplify and empower lives and homes

Kalinoi is not just a business; it's a movement. We are on a mission to bring comfort, convenience and improve the lives of self-employed service providers and households alike. Our goal is to make daily tasks manageable for households at all times, including holidays, days off for live-in maids, or when chores unexpectedly pile up. We achieve this by ensuring that those who contribute to household happiness are well-compacted, dignified, and protected. We stand as a beacon of hope, offering opportunities, life simplicity, fair wages, and flexibility.

Read on, our full mission statement......

Social Impact-employment and retirement

Central to our mission is enhancing social equity through fair labor practices. Kalinoi is dedicated to improving the livelihoods of unemployed but skilled or professionally trained individuals by providing them with the opportunity to work under dignified conditions. Each job transaction on our platform ensures a fair, pre-determined wage and, uniquely, contributes to their retirement benefits through the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). This means that for every job, even those as brief as 30 minutes, a portion of earnings is set aside for their future, safeguarding these workers from exploitation typically seen in informal employment sectors.

Social Impact-fair measurable wage

We aim to end the ideology of modern-day slavery, where vulnerable workers often receive very low cumulative wages without any measure of time or task. Our platform ensures that wages are measurable and fair, providing compensation that reflects the work done. This model not only addresses the issue of modern-day labor abuses but also allows service providers to manage their time more effectively.

Social Impact-efficiency and security

We simplifies the process of hiring service providers. Our platform offers transparent, upfront pricing to accommodate different budgets, helps avoid lengthy negotiation, allowing households to find the right person for home chores with just a few clicks. Similarly, service providers can conveniently receive SMS job notification thus they can stay comfortably at home with their families instead of waiting on the streets in adverse weather conditions, waiting for work. This digital approach provides respect and financial security for workers, while households enjoy easy access to reliable, verified services.

Technological Empowerment

We integrate mobile payments that require no internet access or credit cards, making it possible for service providers to experience the benefits of modern online technology. The use of SMS for communication and transaction confirmations closes the gap between traditional labor practices and digital efficiency, ensuring ease of use and enhanced operational effectiveness.

What services

Find all our service categories and details **here. Whether you need help with laundry, cleaning your house, Airbnb, office, or an event, specialized cleaning (such as sofa, carpets, or bedbug removal), cooking your favorite home-cooked meal, hiring a personal professional chef, catering for weddings, funerals, or events, gardening, caregiving for children, the elderly, or the sick, driving your car, or any other home service, our platform seamlessly accommodates one-time, weekly, or more frequent needs. Our list of services is continually expanding to include technical services like electricians, plumbers, masonry, farm managers, CCTV installers etc. If you can't find the provider you're looking for, just send us a message, and we'll assist you.

Our goal is to create a community where both parties can feel confident and safe in their interactions

Our online marketplace is more than just a platform that connects households and home service providers. Our platform ensures that service providers are skilled in offering the services, weather self trained or professionally certified, so homeowners can trust that they are hiring a quality professionals. Additionally, our users can leave reviews and ratings for cleaners, making it easier for homeowners to find a reputable and trustworthy self-employed professional and for service providers to build up their reputation and client base.

We believe in transparency and open communication

We provide a free messaging system that allows service providers and homeowners to communicate directly and easily. This way, both parties can discuss details, set expectations, and ensure that all questions are answered before any work is done.

Our story-Empowering Lives and Homes

Kalinoi's journey started with a powerful realization: we could transform the lives of self employed uncared for individuals in our community while ensuring efficiency in homes. Our founder's personal experiences and unwavering commitment ignited the spark that birthed our company.


Struggles of women cleaners a.k.a mama fua

We couldn't turn a blind eye to the adversity faced by women cleaners in our community. The rainy cold morning, the hot scorching sun found these women seated at the corners waiting to hopefully be hired. The unfair wages received, no future retirement plan, grappled with security issues daily. This injustice weighed heavily on us, motivating us to take action.


The live-in maid left abrubtly

Simultaneously, we experienced firsthand the challenges that homeowners faced when live-in maids took time off unexpectedly or left abruptly. Additionally, the pain of investing time, resources, and trust in training live-in maids, only to have them depart shortly after, struck a chord.


Need for unique skillset

In these experiences, we found a live-in maid excelling in laundry but struggling in the kitchen. It sparked a visionary idea: what if different individuals, each specializing in a particular aspect of home management, could come together to offer a cost-effective solution? Yes, you certainly do not need two maids to have perfect home services.


Holiday dilemmas with live-in maids

The holiday seasons, particularly Easter and Christmas, presents yet another challenge. While homeowners still have work obligations, live-in maids have the right to their well-deserved vacations. This leaves families uncertain about managing house chores and caring for their children during these festive periods. What if you had a temporary person while your live in maid is away?


Tedious Price Negotiations, Unfair Charges and Pay

The founders encountered the tedious process of constant negotiation and price disputes between households and cleaners. This often led to frustration on both sides, with one party feeling unfairly charged or paid. We thought of how we could address this issue by conducting extensive market research and determining prices that are fair to both households and cleaners. What if you could say goodbye to the lengthy negotiations, unfair charges, and payment issues? Let Kalinoi help.

Kalinoi LTD