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General house keeping
Care giving and social services
Gardening (home and farm)
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Special Cleaning
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Events, Marketing & Entertainers
Health, fitness and personal training
Photography, social media & Videography
Beauty and grooming
Education, Writing & Training
General house keeping
Care giving and social services
Gardening (home and farm)
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Special Cleaning
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Events, Marketing & Entertainers
Health, fitness and personal training
Photography, social media & Videography
Beauty and grooming
Education, Writing & Training
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KSH 152
per hour
Lilian, Mama Fua, cleaner and more in Milimani, Kitale
Lilian K
KSH 212
per hour
Susan, cook in Mitume and Milimani, Kitale
Susan E
KSH 212
per hour
Evaline, cook in Mitume and Milimani, Kitale
Evaline N
KSH 212
per hour
Eunice, cook in Mitume, Kitale
Eunice M
KSH 212
per hour
Caren, cook in Mitume, Kitale
Caren S
KSH 212
per hour
Caroline, cook in Mitume, Kitale
Caroline S
KSH 212
per hour
Catherine, cook in Lovington Estate, Kitale
Catherine N
KSH 212
per hour
Joyce, cook in Lovington Estate and Milimani Kitale
Joyce N
KSH 212
per hour
Mercy, cook in Lovington Estate and Milimani Kitale
Mercy T
KSH 212
per hour
Metrene, cook in Lovington Estate and Kaloleni, Kitale
Metrene N
KSH 212
per hour
Elizabeth, cook in Milimani, Kitale
Elizabeth W
KSH 212
per hour
cook in Scheme, Kakamega
Jesse K
KSH 212
per hour
George, cook for local dishes in Scheme, Kakamega
George S
KSH 212
per hour
Evaline, cook in Amalemba, Milimani and Joyland
Evaline K
KSH 212
per hour
Shuvaa, cook for local dishes in Lutonyi
Shuvaa A
KSH 212
per hour
Beatrice, cook in Amalemba
Beatrice A
KSH 152
per hour
Beatrice, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Lurambi
Beatrice A
KSH 152
per hour
Josephine, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Musonga
Josephine A
KSH 152
per hour
Belinda, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Milimani
Belinda A
KSH 152
per hour
Dorcas, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Milimani and Lurambi
Dorcas A
KSH 152
per hour
Sarah, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Shitungu
Sarah N
KSH 152
per hour
Stanslaus, gardener in Amalemba, Kakamega
Stanslaus S
KSH 152
per hour
Mildred, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Muliro Gardens
Mildred S
KSH 152
per hour
Maximillah, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Andanje
Maximillah M
KSH 152
per hour
Truphena, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Andanje
Truphena K
KSH 152
per hour
Everlyne, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more, near the university
Everlyne A
KSH 212
per hour
Ann, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more, near the university
Ann A
KSH 212
per hour
Hassan, cook in Bondeni
Hassan B
KSH 212
per hour
Benson, cook at Citam and at the university
Benson K
KSH 212
per hour
Philip, cook at Citam and at the university
Philip M
KSH 152
per hour
Vivian, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Kefinco
Vivian A
KSH 212
per hour
Difina, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Kefinco
Difina I
KSH 212
per hour
Mark, cook at Citam, in Milimani and Ikonyero
Mark S
KSH 212
per hour
Maggie, cook for maandazi and chapati in Joyland, Milimani and Ikonyero
Maggie M
KSH 152
per hour
Petronilla, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Amalemba and Ikonyero
Petronilla A
KSH 152
per hour
Loreen, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Ikonyero
Loreen K
KSH 152
per hour
Elizabeth, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Elgon, Ikonyero and Milimani
Elizabeth A
KSH 152
per hour
Virginia, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Musa
Virginia W
KSH 152
per hour
Juma, gardener in Amalemba
Juma J
KSH 152
per hour
Adija, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Tulivu
Adija A
KSH 212
per hour
Agneta, cook for maandazi, chapati in Joyland, Milimani and Ikonyero
Agneta A
KSH 152
per hour
Lilian, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Joyland and Milimani
Lilian S
KSH 152
per hour
Esther, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Joyland and Amalemba, Kakamega
Esther S
KSH 152
per hour
Jackline, Mama Fua, general cleaner and more in Ikonyero
Jackline M
KSH 212
per hour
Mary, cook in Ikonyero and Milimani
Mary A
KSH 199
per hour
Dorothy, Mama fua, cleaner, and more in Rosslyn Groove
Dorothy A
KSH 202
per hour
Charles, Gardener, Muyaye, Bungoma
Charles K
KSH 152
per hour
Evaline, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Pamus, Bungoma
Evaline S
KSH 152
per hour
Sarah, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Muyaye, Bungoma
Sarah O
KSH 152
per hour
Linet, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Pamus, Bungoma
Linet K
KSH 152
per hour
Jackline, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Pamus, Bungoma
Jackline B
KSH 152
per hour
Lydia, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Pamus, Bungoma
Lydia P
KSH 202
per hour
Joel, Gardener, Khaoya, Bungoma
Joel M
KSH 212
per hour
Stella, Cook, Makutano, Bungoma
Stella N
KSH 152
per hour
Nancy, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Mashambani, Bungoma
Nancy C
KSH 152
per hour
Gladys, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Mashambani Kandui, Bungoma
Gladys N
KSH 202
per hour
Benson, Gardener, Kandui, Bungoma
Benson M
KSH 202
per hour
Joseph, Gardener, Kandui, Bungoma
Joseph W
KSH 202
per hour
James, Gardener, Pamus, Bungoma
James N
KSH 212
per hour
Esnas, Cook, Pamus, Bungoma
Esnas N
KSH 212
per hour
Machel, Cook, Pamus, Bungoma
Machel K
KSH 152
per hour
Laura, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Kandui, Bungoma
Laura M
KSH 152
per hour
Beatrice, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Kandui, Bungoma
Beatrice W
KSH 212
per hour
Metrine, Cook, Sikata, Bungoma
Metrine J
KSH 202
per hour
Santo, gardener, Jadelika, Bungoma
Santo B
KSH 152
per hour
Larvene, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Jadelica, Bungoma
Larvene N
KSH 152
per hour
Janentrix, Mama fua, cleaner and more, Pinagoo, Bungoma
Janentrix K
KSH 166
per hour
& certified Mama Fua & cleaner, Imara
Jennifer M
KSH 150
per hour
Mary your cleaner and Mama fua from Ukunda
Mary N
KSH 150
per hour
Esther J from Kona Musa, Watamu
Esther J
KSH 200
Mama fua, cleaner and shopper in Mikindani
Elizabeth K
KSH 100
per hour
Daisy, Mama Fua, cleaner and more, Mikindani
Daisy A
Kalinoi LTD