275 results
275 results
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Price range:
KSH 179
per hour
Christine​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Pollyview
Christine O
KSH 179
per hour
Repher​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Pollyview
Repher W
KSH 179
per hour
Rebecca​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Patel
Rebecca M
KSH 179
per hour
Mary​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Patel
Mary L
KSH 179
per hour
Winnie​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Patel
Winnie A
KSH 198
per hour
Evelyn​,​ cook in Lolwe
Evelyn A
KSH 161
per hour
Heldah​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Lolwe
Heldah A
KSH 161
per hour
Eunice​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Lolwe
Eunice A
KSH 161
per hour
Brenda​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Lowle
Brenda A
KSH 198
per hour
Vivian​,​ cook in Lolwe
Vivian A
KSH 157
per hour
Beatrice​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and More in Kenya Re
Beatrice A
KSH 157
per hour
Milkah​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Kenya Re
Milkah A
KSH 198
per hour
Jamilah​,​ cook in Kenya Re
Jamilah Z
KSH 157
per hour
Jackline​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Migosi
Jackline N
KSH 198
per hour
Christabella​,​ cook in Nyawita
Christabella O
KSH 157
per hour
Sarah​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Kanyakwara housing
Sarah N
KSH 157
per hour
Pamella​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in NHC Apmts Kanyakwar​,​ A1​,​ Kisumu​,​ Kenya
Pamella A
KSH 157
per hour
Morine​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Segesege
Morine A
KSH 157
per hour
Merabu​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Obunga
Merabu Atieno O
KSH 212
per hour
Eunice​,​ Gardener in NHC Apartments
Eunice A
KSH 161
per hour
Felister​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Mountain View
Felister O
KSH 161
per hour
Pollet​,​ Mama Fua​,​ cleaner and more in Migosi
Pollet A
KSH 189
per hour
Ann​,​ cook in Lolwe
Ann A
KSH 198
per hour
Rose​,​ cook in Pollyview
Rose O