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General house keeping 
23 results
23 results
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Price range:
KSH 300
per hour
Samuel​,​ trained chef and cook​,​ Ukunda-Ramisi Rd​,​ Ukunda
samuel n
KSH 400
per hour
Susan K
KSH 350
per hour
John​,​ Qualified chef and a caterer​,​ Kiambu County
John M
KSH 500
per hour
Brian​,​ event organizer​,​ photography​,​ videography​,​ Nairobi
Brian K
KSH 500
per hour
Stephen​,​ private chef for family and events​,​ Nairobi area
Stephen N
KSH 300
per hour
Wishy​,​ professionally trained Chef​,​ Westlands​,​ Nairobi
Wishy J
KSH 250
per hour
Charles​,​ gardener​,​ land scaping electrician​,​ South B
Charles A
KSH 600
per hour
Lukas​,​ Outside Catering​,​ Jacaranda​,​ Thika Road​,​ whole Nairobi
Lukas N
KSH 320
per hour
Lucas​,​ Private CHEF​/​catering​,​ Mombasa County
Lucas R
KSH 178
per hour
Peris​,​ experienced cleaner & events planner​,​ Kiambu.
Peris W
KSH 400
per hour
Sammy​,​ security​,​ waiter & teacher​,​ Mombasa
Sammy S
KSH 187
per hour
Ronoh​,​ electrical installation & repair​,​ Nairobi
KSH 250
per hour
Gideon​,​ event planner​,​ personal or private chef​,​ Get a taste of 5star​,​ Eldoret
KSH 250
per hour
Naomi​,​ pastry chef and cook​,​ Elgon view​,​ Eldoret
Naomi W
KSH 400
per hour
Caroline​,​ professional makeup artist & experience chef​,​ Pipeline
Caroline M
KSH 176
per hour
Caroline​,​ cleaner​,​ cook​,​ ironing​,​ catering​,​ Nairobi
Carroline N
KSH 250
per hour
Patricia​,​ experienced cook & events planning​,​ Donholm​,​ Umoja
Patricia K
KSH 450
per hour
Thyline​,​ chef​,​ events & tent supplier​,​ South B.
Thyline J
KSH 188
per hour
Clement​,​ professional driver​,​
Clement K
KSH 1,200
per day
anyango​,​ All traditional meals​,​ Kitengela
anyango a
KSH 3,100
per hour
Felix​,​ experience events marketing & entertainment​,​ Nairobi.
Felix M
KSH 8,000
per hour
Samson​,​ skilled event entertainer (Mc and Dj)​,​ South B.
Samson o
KSH 450
per hour
Jerry​,​ marketing and event management ​,​ Nairobi and Nakuru
Jerry G
Kalinoi LTD